McDowell Bible College Course Listing
and Core Diploma Requirements which total 30 Semester Hours
Click on course to see semester hours, prerequisites, description, and suggested book(s).
• All required course books must be purchased by student unless provided by scholarship.
• Books listed may be updated or changed up until the time registration begins, so wait until then to purchase.
• Core requirements per school category listed with each category, i.e. Humanities 9 hrs.
* Core required courses.
James Cash Penny School of Business 3 hrs BUS1001-Management for Churches and Nonprofits BUS2003-Bookkeeping and Accounting for Churches and Nonprofits BUS2102-Administration for Churches and Nonprofits BUS2901-Budget and Fiscal Planning for Churches and Nonprofits BUS5001-Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) BUS5003-Accounting for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) BUS5102-Administration for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) BUS6901-Budget and Fiscal Planning for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) BUS7001-Issues in Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Doctoral Course) COM1001-Computer Applications for Churches and Nonprofits* COM1005-Visual Presentation Preparation for Churches and Nonprofits COM1201-Programming and Logic for Churches and Nonprofits COM2012-Database Programming and Design for Churches and Nonprofits COM2101-Graphics and Design for Churches and Nonprofits COM2205-Church Media and Computer Resources COM2901-Worship Presentation COM3205-Advanced Programming for Churches and Nonprofits COM4101-Website Programming and Design I for Churches and Nonprofits COM4102-Website Programming and Design II for Churches and Nonprofits COM4601-Information Systems Management for Churches and Nonprofits COM4801-Security for Churches and Nonprofits COM5005-Visual Presentation Preparation for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM5012-Database Programming and Design for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM5101-Graphics and Design for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM5201-Programming and Logic for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM5205-Church Media and Computer Resources (Master's Course) COM6101-Website Programming and Design I for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM6102-Website Programming and Design II for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM6205-Advanced Programming for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM6601-Information Systems Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM6801-Issues in Security for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) COM6990-Information Systems Management Project and Thesis (Master's Course) LDR1001-Leadership for Churches and Nonprofits LDR2001-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits LDR3001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits LDR4001-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits LDR5001-Leadership for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) LDR5501-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) LDR6001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) LDR6501-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) LDR6990-Leadership and Administration Project and Thesis (Master's Course) LDR7001-Issues in Church and Nonprofit Leadership (Doctoral Course) MKT3001-Marketing and Outreach for Churches and Nonprofits MKT6001-Marketing and Outreach for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course)
Richard Koster School of Humanities 9 hrs ENG1001-Written Communications for Christian Scholars I* ENG1002-Written Communications for Christian Scholars II* ENG2001-Survey of English Literature from a Christian Perspective ENG2002-Survey of American Literature from a Christian Perspective ENG5001-Academic Writing and Research for Christian Scholars (Master's Course) ENG7001-Advanced Writing and Research (Doctoral Course) LAN3801-Introduction to Biblical Hebrew LAN3901-Introduction to Biblical Greek LAN6801-Introduction to Biblical Hebrew (Master's Course) LAN6901-Introduction to Biblical Greek (Master's Course) SPC1001-Speech for Christian Service*
Curtis Rush School of Religion and Seminary 6 hrs BIB1001-Survey of the Old Testament* BIB1002-Survey of the New Testament* BIB1005-Biblical Interpretation BIB1801-Genesis BIB1802-Exodus BIB1804-Joshua, Judges and Ruth BIB1808-Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther BIB1901-Mark BIB1902-Matthew BIB1903-Luke BIB2001-Teaching the Bible BIB2803-Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy BIB2805-1 and 2 Samuel BIB2806-1 and 2 Kings BIB2807-1 and 2 Chronicles BIB2904-John BIB2906-The Early Pauline Epistles: Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians BIB2908-Romans and Hebrews BIB2909-The Pauline Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians BIB3810-Psalms, Song of Songs and Other Biblical Poetry and Lyrics BIB3811-Wisdom of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes BIB3812-Isaiah BIB3813-Jeremiah and Lamentations BIB3905-Acts BIB3907-1 and 2 Corinthians BIB3910-The Pauline Pastoral Epistles: 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus BIB3911-The Non-Pauline Epistles: James. 1 & 2 Peter, Jude and 1, 2, & 3 John BIB4809-Job BIB4814-Ezekiel and Daniel BIB4815-Minor Prophets BIB4912-Revelation BIB5001-Introduction to the Old Testament (Master's Course) BIB5002-Introduction to the New Testament (Master's Course) BIB5005-Hermeneutics (Master's Course) BIB5801-Genesis (Master's Course) BIB5802-Exodus (Master's Course) BIB5803-Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy (Master's Course) BIB5804-Joshua, Judges and Ruth (Master's Course) BIB5805-1 and 2 Samuel (Master's Course) BIB5806-1 and 2 Kings (Master's Course) BIB5807-1 and 2 Chronicles (Master's Course) BIB5808-Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther (Master's Course) BIB5815-Minor Prophets (Master's Course) BIB5901-Mark (Master's Course) BIB5902-Matthew (Master's Course) BIB5903-Luke (Master's Course) BIB5904-John (Master's Course) BIB5906-The Early Pauline Epistles: Galatians and 1 & 2 Thessalonians (Master's Course) BIB5908-Romans and Hebrews (Master's Course) BIB5909-The Pauline Prison Epistles: Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, and Philippians (Master's Course) BIB6001-Issues in Teaching the Bible (Master's Course) BIB6809-Job (Master's Course) BIB6810-Psalms, Song of Songs and Other Biblical Poetry and Lyrics (Master's Course) BIB6811-Wisdom of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes (Master's Course) BIB6812-Isaiah (Master's Course) BIB6813-Jeremiah and Lamentation (Master's Course) BIB6814-Ezekiel and Daniel (Master's Course) BIB6905-Acts (Master's Course) BIB6907-1 and 2 Corinthians (Master's Course) BIB6910-The Pauline Pastoral Epistles: 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus (Master's Course) BIB6911-The Non-Pauline Epistles: James. 1 & 2 Peter, Jude and 1, 2, & 3 John (Master's Course) BIB6912-Revelation (Master's Course) BIB6990-Biblical Studies Project and Thesis (Master's Course) BIB7005-Issues in Biblical Teaching and Exposition (Doctoral Course) BIB8801-The Law (Doctoral Course) BIB8802-The History (Doctoral Course) BIB8803-Biblical Poetry and Wisdom (Doctoral Course) BIB8804-Old and New Testament Prophecy (Doctoral Course) BIB8901-The Gospels and Acts (Doctoral Course) BIB8902-The Epistles (Doctoral Course) EDU6901-MBC Intructor Training Workshop (Master's Course) EVA3501-Evangelism and Outreach EVA4002-Survey of Missions EVA6002-Introduction to Missions (Master's Course) EVA6501-Evangelism and Apologetics (Master's Course) EVA8501-Contemporary Evangelism and Apologetics (Doctoral Course) LDR2001-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits LDR3001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits LDR4001-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits LDR5501-Leadership Communication for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) LDR6001-Leading Organizational Culture for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) LDR6501-Leading Change Management for Churches and Nonprofits (Master's Course) MIN2501-Sermon Preparation MIN2502-Sermon Delivery MIN3601-Ministry Programs MIN4201-Pastoral Ministry MIN4204-Issues in Ministry MIN4901-Ministry Project MIN6201-Pastoral Ministry (Master's Course) MIN6801-Sermon Preparation and Delivery (Master's Course) MIN6990-Ministry Project and Thesis (Master's Course) MIN8201-Contemporary Issues in Ministry (Doctoral Course) MIN8801-Advanced Expository Preaching (Doctoral Course) MIN8880-Advanced Research and Ministry Project Development (Doctoral Course) MIN8990-Doctor of Ministry Project and Dissertation (Doctoral Course) REL2001-Worship Leadership REL2201-Introduction to Spiritual Formation REL6201-Spiritual Formation (Master's Course) REL7201-Spiritual Formation and Spiritual Warfare (Doctoral Course) THE4001-Survey of Theology I THE4002-Survey of Theology II THE4003-Survey of Theology III THE6001-Systematic Theology I (Master's Course) THE6002-Systematic Theology II (Master's Course) THE6003-Systematic Theology III (Master's Course)
Tie Jiang Tan School of Science and Mathematics 6 hrs MAT1001-Mathematics for Churches and Nonprofits MAT1201-Advanced Mathematics for Christian Scholars I MAT1202-Advanced Mathematics for Christian Scholars II SCI1001-A Survey of Physics for Christian Scholars SCI1002-A Survey of Chemistry for Christian Scholars SCI1003-A Survey of Biology for Christian scholars. SCI1004-A Survey of Geology for Christian Scholars SCI2001-Physics Lab SCI2002-Chemistry Lab SCI2003-Biology Lab SCI2004-Geology Lab
Eusibius School of Social and Behavioral Sciences 6 hrs ECO1001-Microeconomics for Christian Scholars ECO1002-Macroeconomics for Christian Scholars HIS1001-Survey of American History from a Christian Perspective HIS1002-Survey of World History from a Christian Perspective HIS2001-History of the Church I HIS2002-History of the Church II HIS3001-Ancient History of Israel HIS5001-The History of Israel (Master's Course) HIS6001-History of the Church to 1517 (Master's Course) HIS6002-History of the Church from 1517 (Master's Course) PHI1001-Introduction to Christian Philosophy PHI3601-Christian Ethics PHI6601-Christian Ethics (Master's Course) PHI7601-Contemporary Problems in Church Ethics (Doctoral Course) SOC3201-Christian Counseling SOC5201-Christian Counseling (Master's Course) SOC8201-Christian Counseling (Doctoral Course)